NearEST Airports:
John Wayne Airport (SNA) - Approximately 30 Minutes Away
Los Angeles Int'l Airport (LAX) - Approximately 1 Hour Away from North
San Diego Airport (SAN) - Approximately 1 Hour Away from South
To + From Airports:
- Things To Consider
- Parking is very expensive at the Hotel
- Shuttles are provided all weekend to and from wedding events from the HOTEL
- Taxi from John Wayne Airport is Approx $80 - $100 including Tip
- SUPER SHUTTLE (if you are not renting a car, this is a good option from both airport)
- CLICK HERE - Type in the zip code 92629 to search for the Laguna Cliffs Marriott as 'hotel destination'
- From SNA - shared van is $33 for the 1st passenger, $9 for each additional passengers
- From LAX - shared van is $68 for the 1st passenger, $9 each additional passengers
- CLICK HERE - Type in the zip code 92629 to search for the Laguna Cliffs Marriott as 'hotel destination'
- There is also HERTZ Rental Car Pickup AND Drop-off AT The Laguna Cliff's Marriott - for convenience.
- Call Hertz 800-654-3131 or go to www.Hertz.com
- To find the hotel in the "Pickup Location" or "Return Location" type in
- Zip Code "Dana Point, CA 92629" OR "Dana Point Marriott HLE"
- Call Hertz 800-654-3131 or go to www.Hertz.com
- We would love to help pair up people for shuttles to/from the airport.
- Make sure to let us know your plans. CLICK HERE.